Sunday, September 18, 2011

Apple Slicing

Apple slicing is one of the most basic food prep activities in the Montessori classroom.  It's a great way to get kids in the habit of washing their hands and putting on an apron before any cooking work.  The process is also not very long and a child only needs to be able to use a whole hand grasp.  This is the first grasp in the practical life lessons, meaning that a 2 year old could do it.

Apple Slicing
1.   Put on apron.
2.  Wash hands.
3.  Use tongs to place one cross section of apple in the leftmost bowl.
4.  Take tray to table.
5.  Sit down and place apple cross section on cutting board.
6.  Use both hands with apple slicer and push down on apple cross section.
7.  Pick up apple slicer slowly.
8.  Remove core from apple slicer and place in compost.
9.  Place sliced apple pieces in bowl on right.
10.  Ask child, "Would you like a piece of apple?".
11.  Continue to walking around room asking other children who are not in the middle of a work or lesson if they would like a piece of apple.
12.  Push in chair.
13.  Replace tray on shelf.

1 comment:

  1. This is a lovely presentation! I have noticed that all your posts are lovely, but so few and far between! I would love to see you post more!
