Above is the set-up for pumpkin polishing. This would be on the shelf with a container full of cotton balls and a container full of q-tips that are broken in half. I figure you could still do this for Thanksgiving and harvest.
Pumpkin Polishing
1. Invite the child to the lesson, "I would like to show you pumpkin polishing".
2. Remove tray from shelf and place in the upper left hand corner of a table.
3. Remove mat from tray and lay out on table.
4. Remove all items from the tray placing on mat with the pumpkin in the middle.
5. Pick up pitcher and state, "I'm going to go fill this up with water".
6. Fill the pitcher up with water and pour water into bowl.
7. Dip q-tip into water and using circular motions polish a section of the pumpkin.
8. Lay q-tip on mat and pick up the cotton ball. Using circular motions, polish the section of the pumpkin that you just polished with the q-tip.
9. Pick up q-tip and cotton ball, stating, "I'm going to go throw these in the trash".
10. Place all materials back on tray as they were initially laid out.
11. Rotate mat so that it is easily rolled up from a sitting position. Roll up mat.
12. Return tray to shelf.
13. State, "I'm going to get this ready for the next person". Place one cotton ball and one q-tip in each of the little bowls.
14. Ask if the child would like to try.
After you polish the pumpkin, remove the seeds...
Tamari/Soy Sauce Pumpkin Seeds
Seeds from 1 pumpkin
enough canola oil to coat the pumpkin seeds
enough soy sauce or tamari to coat the pumpkin seeds (about 1-2 teaspoons)
Bake at 325* for approximately 20-30 minutes. When the seeds have a deep dark caramelized look, they will be finished.